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Real-Life Examples of Congruent Shape

Last Updated : 16 Apr, 2024
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Real-life examples of Congruence Shape: Congruence shapes are essential to geometry and are used extensively in daily life. They guarantee accuracy and effectiveness in everything from design and packaging to manufacturing and construction. So, In this article, we will explore the congruent shapes with their corresponding sides and angles and discuss their importance in a variety of contexts, showing how they both practically and visually impact our surroundings.

What is Congruence Shape?

Congruence Shapes are two figures that are said to be congruent if their corresponding sides and angles of both figures are equal. Simply, two figures are congruent only if they are placed exactly on top of one another. Even so, they are acquired from one another using inflexible adjustments like translation, rotation, or reflection. Whereas, both the figures will have the same sides and same angles.

Suppose, we have two congruent triangles; Δ ABC and Δ DEF


Congruent Triangles

So Here,

  • AB = DE
  • BC = EF
  • AC = DF


  • ∠BAC = ∠EDF
  • ∠BCA = ∠EFD
  • ∠ABC = ∠DEF = 90° (Right angle is created that equals to 90°)

Therefore, the Corresponding sides and Corresponding angles of both triangles are equal.

Applications of Congruence Shape

There are very common examples of congruence shapes in real life that are given below;

Body Organs

Human body’s symmetrical arrangement of body parts around a central axis is referred to as symmetry. The human body has bilateral symmetry on the outside, which means that the left and right sides are nearly mirror images of one another. However, some internal organs also display this symmetry. For

Example: Lungs and kidneys are paired organs with symmetrical shapes.

Designing and Construction

Congruence is essential in designing and construction as well to make sure that structural elements are in design and construction. In this building materials are precisely cut and put together by using congruence principles, which reduce waste and preserve structural integrity.

For Example: Beams, columns, and truss structures.

Computer Graphics and Animation:

Congruent forms are utilized in computer graphics and animation to produce real 3D models and animations. Even, Algorithms are used by computer programs to modify shapes and present them on a screen, making sure that objects remain congruent even when undergoing transformations like translation, rotation, and scaling.

For Example: 3D model of a car in a video game for that shapes have to be created like cubes, or cylinders.

Geometry and Mathematics Education:

Congruence shapes are important in Geometry and Mathematics Education. Even, As a student study geometrical transformations in translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations of congruent shapes.

For Example: Two similar triangles with the same identity of angles and sides, and congruent to each other.

Robotics and Automation:

Congruent Shapes are employed in robotics and automation to perform tasks including item manipulation, grasping, and assembling. Whereas, Geometric data is used by robots with sensors and cameras to recognize objects and coordinate manipulative operations, enabling accurate and effective interaction with the surroundings.

For Example: Robots can easily grip cylindrical shapes like cold drink cans.

Characteristics of Congruence Shape

Some of the characteristics of Congruence shape are given below;

  • They have identical shapes and sizes.
  • Their corresponding sides and angles are equal.
  • Measures of length and angle are preserved by congruent conversions.
  • All geometric figures, such as lines, angles, polygons, and three-dimensional objects, are congruent.
  • Accurate measuring, mapping, and arrangement of geometric objects and spatial relationships are facilitated by congruence.
  • It is possible to derive congruent shapes from one another by translation, rotation, or reflection.


Congruence shapes are just based on the same sides and angles and can be exactly positioned over one another that is produced by stiff motions and are used in many practical contexts, including manufacturing, design, and construction. Similarly, Congruent shapes are essential to geometry and real-world applications because of their properties, which include equal corresponding sides and angles, the preservation of length and angle measures, same shape and size.

Examples of Congruence Shape

Example 1: Are the two angles ∠ EFG and ∠ HIJ congruent to each other?


Congruence Shape Angles


Measure of  ∠ EFG = 40° and ∠ HIJ = 60°.

Two angles are said to be congruent if their measurements are equivalent .

But in this situation, ∠ EFG is not equivalent to ∠ HIJ.

So, ∠ EFG is not congruent to ∠ HIJ.

Example 2: Two triangles EFG and JIK are congruent. Mention the corresponding sides and angles that will be equal.


Congruence Shape Triangles


Given, ∆EFG ≅ ∆JIK

Congruent triangles ∆EFG and ∆JIK will have three corresponding sides and angles that are equal to one another.

Therefore, EF = JI; FG = IK; EG = JK.

Example 3: Shape out the congruent rectangle with their identification.



Congruence Shape Rectangles

If â–­ ABCD is congruent to â–­ EFGH, it means that:

Whereas, If we talk about equal length in two rectangles

  • AC = EG
  • CD = GH
  • DB = HF
  • BA = FE

Even, If we talk about angles in given two rectangles

  • ∠C = ∠G
  • ∠D = ∠H
  • ∠B = ∠F
  • ∠A = ∠E

FAQs on Examples of Congruence Shape

What are Congruence shapes?

Congruence shapes are those that have equal-length sides and equal-sized angles. In other words, two figures are said to congruent only if they are placed exactly on top of one another. Even when they are flipped or rotated, they fit together precisely.

Which common examples of congruence shapes exist in everyday life?

Some of the common examples of congruence shapes that exist in everyday life are Bolts and nuts, packaging design, jewelry or other organs of the human body.

What is the application of congruence shape in jewellery design?

Bracelets and earrings are well-placed and stylish examples of jwellery because congruence in jewellery design guarantees symmetry and uniformity in appearance.

Can you provide an example of a congruent shape in the human body?

The physical dimensions of paired organs, such as the kidneys and lungs show congruence in the human body.

How are congruence shapes derived from one another? Explain it.

It is possible to derive congruent shapes from one another by translation, rotation, or reflection. Even, these shapes and sizes remain the same even under stiff movements.

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