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Django Tutorial | Learn Django Framework

Last Updated : 05 Apr, 2024
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This tutorial also provides you with Django projects to help you apply your knowledge and build some cool web applications. These projects not only provide you with experience in building with the Django framework but will also add value to your resume. This Python Django tutorial teaches basic to advanced Django concepts for backend development. Learn topics like forms, templates, views, ORM, etc.

Python Django

Python-based web framework Django allows you to create efficient web applications quickly. It is also called batteries included web framework Django because It provides built-in features for everything including Django Admin Interface, default database – SQLlite3, etc.

Django Tutorial

When you’re building a website, you always need a similar set of components: a way to handle user authentication (signing up, signing in, signing out), a management panel for your website, forms, a way to upload files, etc. Django Python gives you ready-made components to use for rapid development. There any many more benefits of using the Django framework. Let’s look at some other reasons why you should learn Python Frameworks in Django.

Why Use Django Framework?

  • Excellent documentation and high scalability.
  • Used by Top MNCs and Companies, such as Instagram, Disqus, Spotify, Youtube, Bitbucket, Dropbox, etc. and the list is never-ending.
  • Web framework Django is easy to learn, rapid development, and Batteries fully included.
  • The last but not least reason to learn Django in Python, It has a huge library and features such as Web Scraping, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Scientific Computing, etc. One can integrate all this with web applications and do lots and lots of advanced stuff.

Prerequisites to Learn Django

Web framework Django based on Python. You have good knowledge about Python. Some other concepts you should be familiar with are:

  • Understanding of Syntax of Python.
  • Understanding of importing and exporting modules is required in the project development phase.
  • Understanding Python path concepts to access the data, images or any kind of data.
  • Knowledge of Object Oriented concepts as it reduces the code repetition with classes and objects.
  • Knowledge about HTML, CSS, JavaScript are very important. As they are the building block of Web development.
  • Knowledge about Data Structures like Tuple and List are important.

Getting Started with Django

Django Views

In Django, views are the backbone of handling user requests and rendering responses. There are two primary paradigms for implementing views: Function Based Views (FBVs) and Class Based Views (CBVs). Function Based Views offer simplicity and directness, allowing developers to define views as Python functions. Within this paradigm, common functionalities like creating, listing, displaying details, updating, and deleting objects are implemented as separate functions.

While both paradigms have their merits, the choice between FBVs and CBVs ultimately depends on factors such as project requirements, development preferences, and scalability concerns.

Django URLs

In Django, URL patterns serve as a crucial mechanism for directing incoming requests to the appropriate views within your web application. With the flexibility of regular expressions, Django’s URL dispatcher allows you to define patterns that match specific URL patterns and route them to corresponding views. When dealing with GET parameters passed through URLs in Django, accessing these parameters within views is straightforward, enabling efficient handling of user inputs and customization of responses.

Django Templates

In Django, URLs play a crucial role in navigating through different views and templates within your web application. When working with Django templates, several key concepts enhance the flexibility and functionality of your frontend. Template filters allow you to manipulate variables displayed in your templates, enabling transformations like date formatting or string manipulation.

Django Models

Models serve as the backbone of database operations, facilitating seamless management of data. This guide delves into various aspects of Django Models, starting from the fundamental operations of inserting, updating, and deleting data using the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) provided by Django.

Here, You’ll learn how to create a basic app model, initialize migrations, and execute them to synchronize your database schema. Moreover, we delve into built-in field validations, ensuring data integrity and consistency, while also delving into the customization of these validations to suit specific application requirements.

Django Forms

To start, you can create a form using Django Forms by defining a class that inherits from Django’s forms.Form class. Within this class, you can specify the fields you want to include in your form using various field types provided by Django, such as CharField, IntegerField, EmailField, etc. Once you’ve defined your form, you can render HTML forms in Django using both GET and POST methods. Django’s built-in template tags and filters make it easy to render forms in your HTML templates while ensuring security and CSRF protection.

Django Forms offer a wide range of field types to cater to different data types and validation requirements. Additionally, you can customize the appearance and behavior of form fields by using form field custom widgets, allowing you to enhance user experience and tailor forms to your specific needs.


After completing the tutorial and building some projects you might be interested in starting your career in Django development. We have provided a guide, that will help you in building your career as Django developer.

Django Projects

Online Django Quiz

Test your Django knowledge by answering quiz questions. The quiz questions are meant to test your understanding of Django concepts.

Take Django Quiz

Python Django Interview Question

Interviews are most important aspect of job recruitment and you need to prepare for interviews if you want to get job sooner. We have compiled some of the most asked interview questions for Django Developers.

Visit the page Top 50 Django Interview Questions and Answers to check for interview questions.

FAQs on Django Tutorial

Is Django easy to learn

Web framework Django is relatively easy to learn, if you have prior experience with Python.

Is Django for frontend or backend?

Django is a open-source framework that is used for backend development of web application.

What are the Features of Django ?

  • Versatile which allows us to develop any kind of web page.
  • It is scalable
  • It is extremely fast.
  • Secure thereby helping developers.
  • It comes along with content administrations, authentications.

What is Django Architecture ?

Django is based on MVT(Model View Template architecture) which is based on the MVC(Model View Controller architecture). The common difference between them is that Django take care of controller part.

What is the difference between Flask and Django ?

Django Flask
Supports large projects. Supports smaller projects.
Templates, Admin and ORM is built-in. Templates, Admin and ORM requires to be installed.
Not easy to as compare to Flask. It is easy to learn.
Complete Web development no need any third party tools. User can choose any third party tools according to their needs.
Does not support visual debugging. Supports visual debugging.
Inbuilt bootstrapping tool . Bootstrapping tools are not available.

Name some companies that uses Django ?

Some companies that uses Django are: Instagram, DISCUS, Mozilla Firefox, Youtube, Instagram, Reddit etc. are using web framework Django.

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