Docker Tutorial
Last Updated :
07 Apr, 2024
Docker is a powerful tool used for developing, packaging, and deploying applications efficiently. Docker is a container management service. Docker was released in 2013. It is open-source and available for different platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux. Docker is quickly shipping, testing, and deploying code. So that it reduces your delay between writing code and running it in production. You can create self-contained environments known as containers. That can run consistently on different platforms.

You need to install the Docker engine on your computer or device. The Docker engine allows you to create and manage docker containers, docker images, docker hub, docker desktop, etc.
In this Docker Tutorial, you’ll learn all the basic to advanced concepts like Docker installation, Docker container, Docker commands, Docker run, Docker images, Docker compose, Docker engine, Docker networking, etc.
Table of Content Docker
Docker Installation
Docker Commands
Docker Run
Docker Images
Docker Compose
Docker Engine, Storage
Docker Networking
Docker Registry
Docker Containers and Managing Containers
Docker Swarm
Docker Container: A Docker container is a lightweight and executable package of software. It includes everything used to run an application, code, libraries, and dependencies. You don’t need to allocate any memory for the application. It can automatically generate space according to the requirements.
Why to learn Docker?
A couple of years back, when organizations needed other applications, they buy a server without knowing the performance requirement of the software/application. This results waste of money and resources. Then Virtual machines come onto the market, which allows engineers to run multiple applications on the same resource but as a completely different server. But Every application to run on a Virtual machine requires OS and every OS needs its own CPU, RAM, etc. to run. Which increases the cost.
Then Docker Model comes into the scope, which overcomes the drawbacks of the Virtual Machine. It reduces the wastage of resources by sharing OS, memory, and CPU, and It offers many benefits for developers and system administrators, like consistency, portability, efficiency, security, scalability, and version control. These benefits make it easier to manage and deploy applications.
Features of Docker
- Docker reduces the size of development by providing a smaller part of the OS via containers.
- It is easier to work on the same project by different teams with the help of Containers.
- Docker containers can be deployed anywhere, on any physical, or virtual machines and on the cloud.
- Docker containers are lightweight so, it becomes easy to scale them.
Advantages of Docker
- Docker uses less memory.
- The full operating system is not required to run an application.
- Containers run faster than the other Virtual Machines.
- It is lightweight.
- It allows us to use a remote repository to share your containers with other teams.
- To reduce the risks, it uses dependencies.
Disadvantages of Docker
- Complexity will increase due to layering.
- It is difficult to manage a large number of containers.
- For an application that needs better graphics, Docker is not suitable for it.
- Cross-platform compatibility is not allowed.
Docker is a software development framework that allows you to package and run apps inside virtual machines on a server. It’s often used to create and test applications before deploying them on a real, physical server. This allows organizations to test and deploy their applications quickly and with minimal resources. Docker also makes it easy to package and update apps on any server, regardless of its hardware configuration.
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