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Software Testing – Mobile Testing Tools

Last Updated : 28 Oct, 2022
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Mobile application testing is an interaction by which application programming produced for handheld cell phones is tried for its usefulness, convenience, and consistency. Mobile applications either come pre-introduced or can be introduced from portable programming dissemination stages. It can be a robotized or manual kind of testing.

What are Mobile testing tools?

Mobile testing tools are programmed for testing portable applications. This classification incorporates cloud-based testing devices, application conveyance instruments, crash-revealing tools, execution testing instruments, mobile phone emulators, mechanized UI analyzers, portable enhancement, A/B testing tools, and defect logging instruments.

Criteria For Selecting Mobile Testing Tool

A few standards might be considered when choosing portable application testing devices to satisfy and achieve the need and prerequisite of testing both from the specialized and business imminent.

  1. Preparing, documentation, instructional exercises, and rules: It is concerned with preparing materials for learning and utilizing the device, as vital for their instrument choice.
  2. Designated Platform: Determination of the testing instrument ought to be made concerning the stage alongside its different variations and variants for which a portable application is focused and planned to work. Nonetheless, it is favored that separated from focusing on one or significant stages, the testing device ought to be ready to give testing to different stages moreover. This guarantees the cross-stage testing of the portable applications.
  3. Code and Build Requirement and Need: Programming code and fabricating involve worry for their protection and security. Consequently, code or the form ought not to be shared or sent out external to the testing group, limits, or climate to any obscure or unapproved element. The chosen apparatus shouldn’t think twice about the protection and security of programming source code and work in any regard.
  4. Level of programming abilities required: In the event that testers in the group don’t have great programming abilities, picking up programming to utilize a device is a genuine concern.
  5. Extra highlights: Other than computerizing the versatile application tests, a testing device ought to be ready to give extra helpful highlights. It should have the option to convey numerous functionalities, for example,
    • Logging and revealing deformities.
    • Shifting logged imperfection concerning need, time, type, and other pertinent boundaries. 
    • Observing and following the bug.
    • Ready to ease QA or Project administrator in reviewing the generally speaking and summing up the status of the tests.
  6. Ceaseless testing: The robotized testing instrument ought to be ready to convey nonstop testing to assess the level of effect caused to programming because of progress or change in code. The progressions delivered in the code ought to be promptly tried by the device.
  7. Great test reports: Apparatus produced test records and logs for a status report, test execution examinations, and imperfection conclusions.
  8. Permitting and support costs: All expenses related to obtaining, upkeep, and backing the utilization of devices.
  9. Outsider bug global positioning framework: The chosen instrument should be ready to help and incorporate with other or outsider bug global positioning frameworks.
  10. Group Management: The instrument, alongside the undertaking of testing the versatile application, ought to likewise give the benefit of dealing with the exercises of the testing group, which might incorporate jobs and obligations, tasks allocated to every part, the status of the errand, criticism, and audits.

Why Choosing The Correct Mobile Testing Tool Important?

In a quick world, dialing back could end up being lethal for organizations. Test automation is basic to lessen criticism cycles and accelerate the approval for the various stages in your item’s improvement cycle. Picking the right test automation tool is in this manner vital for the following reasons:

  1. Keeping the improvement cycle moving along rapidly and easily. 
  2. It will diminish the business’ expenses, further develop test inclusion, and help an opportunity to showcase and decrease the requirement for human intercession while cutting down the extent of bugs, coming to the last form. 

Gauging the upsides and downsides of various test mechanization instruments and making the right, the educated choice is fundamental, and when picked, it could change your items.

Top 10 Mobile Testing Tools

1. Kobiton

It is a cloud platform that permits genuine gadgets or emulators to run mechanized or manual tests on all applications independent of the OS. It functions admirably with local applications, Android applications, and ios applications. It utilizes the structure of Appium and encounters standard updates to further develop its test proficiency. It permits script changes also for better testing practices.


  • Consistently adding the most recent equipment and OS updates to the gadget lab.
  • Naturally created movement logs, orders, screen captures, and metadata take into account quicker ID of issues.
  • Prepaid minutes of testing time that won’t ever terminate.
  • It gives clients full control of real mobile phones during manual testing with the help of multi-contact signals, direction and GPS reproductions, camera and speaker control, and gadget association on the board.
  • Unified testing history and information logs for an expanded joint effort.
  • Inner Device Lab Management, to the most, actually uses inward gadgets.
  • Support for Appium 1.6.4.

2. Test Complete

Test Complete permits you to run a few rehashed UI tests over the application stage. It is a viable device that can help you in testing hybrid mobile applications, and that implies it will uphold both Android as well as iOS application testing. Besides, it is a robotized testing instrument that you can carry out on genuine cell phones or emulators calm. The computerized test scripts are accessible over the instruments, yet you can likewise browse the VB script, Javascript, Python, and others.

With TestComplete, you can make and run repeatable and strong UI tests across native or hybrid mobile applications. With TestComplete, there is a compelling reason need to escape your telephone or tablet.


  • TestComplete is a useful automated testing platform created by SmartBear Software.
  • TestComplete empowers testers to make automated tests for Microsoft Windows, Web, Android (working framework), and iOS applications.
  • It assists you with further developing your test inclusion and guarantees excellent quality software.
  • TestComplete upholds Selenium WebDriver tests made in one of the accompanying unit testing structures: JUnit. TestNG. 
  • Each TestComplete project utilizes one of the upheld prearranging languages: JavaScript. Python. VBScript

3. Appium

Appium is impressively one of the most mind-blowing portable application testing apparatuses utilized by most expert analyzers. Appium is a viable device for web and portable application testing that functions admirably in any event, for mixture of applications. Additionally, Appium is likewise implied for computerized practical testing to work on the general usefulness of the applications.
Appium is open-source and a cross-stage Mobile Testing Tool for the mixture and local iOS, it upholds Android renditions from 2.3 onwards. Appium works like a server running behind the scenes, like a selenium server.

This portable computerization testing device upholds many programming dialects, for example, Java, Ruby, C#, and others in the WebDriver library. Appium uses the WebDriver interface for tests running.

Appium mechanizes Android utilizing the UIAutomator library, which is given by Google as a feature of the Android SDK. On cell phones, it has some control over Safari and Chrome. It very well may be synchronized with the testing system TestNG. For this situation, UI Automator can create enlightening and nitty-gritty reports, like reports produced by Ranorex.


  • Because of the utilization of standard versatile robotization APIs at all stages, you don’t need to adjust or recompile your application in any capacity.
  • You can utilize any web-driver viable language (Java, Objective-C, JavaScript) for composing and experimenting.
  • You can utilize any testing structure.
  • Appium supports Safari on iOS and all other built-in browser apps on Android.
  • Simple to arrange an alternate stage.
  • Appium versatile computerization testing apparatus supports different dialects like Ruby, Java, PHP, Node, and Python.
  • It expects nothing to be introduced on the gadget.
  • You can, in any case, utilize the Selenium Webdriver JSON wire convention.
  • You don’t need to re-order versatile applications on an alternate stage.
  • With the assistance of Java, it very well may be incorporated into different devices.

4. Test IO

Test IO permits you to test portable applications on continuous executions to ensure that the versatile application assigned for your business works flawlessly on practically all OS stages. These testing devices are, on occasion, in front of the expert analyzers to recognize the inside bugs. Besides, Test IO has adaptable testing estimates that figure out the assorted need and necessities of the clients and forces quicker results. Utilizing Test IO, you can look for the expulsion of the QA Bottleneck on request to adapt to your assumptions from the application.

Test IO is the main SaaS stage for programming swarm testing: the persistent testing of web and portable applications by talented human analyzers utilizing genuine gadgets.


  • Progressive show
  • Equal execution of different errands
  • Information commodity and import
  • Cloud-based arrangement
  • Case-based QA
  • 20,000 specialists
  • Security tests
  • Cross-gadget viable
  • Cross-browser viable
  • QA script audits

5. Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is the main Appium elective for portable testing. It likewise brings expanded abilities for web, API, and work area testing. Based on top of Appium and Selenium, Katalon Studio eliminates the devices’ current steep expectation to learn and adapt and thusly brings a codeless testing experience to clients at all scales and mastery. As well as supporting Android and IOS stages, testing across OS (Windows, macOS, and Linux) is additionally accessible.

Supporting IOS and Android stages, a portion of its key elements are:

  • No intricate arrangement or is expected to program foundation.
  • Flexible computerized test plan with record and playback, worked in catchphrases, pre-characterized project layouts, and a cordial UI.
  • Lessen support endeavors with a strong item spying utility.
  • High-level diagrams to picture fundamental measurements and constant warnings after every execution (Slack, Git& Microsoft Teams).


  • Straightforward arrangement and easy test creation utilizing record and playback, catchphrases, and pictures.
  • Execute tests locally and somewhat on genuine gadgets, test systems, or custom cloud-based gadgets (Sauces Lab, Kobiton, Perfecto, Lambda Test, and Browserstack combination.)
  • Adaptable test reusability across portable stages, API, and Web.
  • Decrease upkeep endeavors through working in coordination with the normally utilized project executive devices (Jira, Git, Jenkins, and so forth.)
  • Give smart test reports of all testing stages for better screening and coordinated effort across groups.

6. Robotium

Robotium is a testing tool that is assigned to take care of android applications just under a mechanized testing system. Robotium is explicitly assigned for black-box testing on android applications. It utilizes JavaScript to set up the test scripts. A portion of the extra necessities for the consistent running of this instrument is Android SDK, Eclipse for the test project, Android improvement Kit, and JDK.


  • Quicker Test Execution.
  • Requires little information on the application under test.
  • Robotium can deal with various Android exercises.
  • Gives elite execution and high test inclusion.
  • Easily coordinates with Maven, Gradle, or Ant.
  • Experiments are basic and powerful.

7. Ranorex Studio

Ranorex Studio is an across-the-board answer for versatile application testing. Ranorex Studio is simple for novices with a codeless snap-and-go point of interaction and supportive wizards but strong for computerization specialists with a full IDE.

Upholds iOS and Android testing, including local versatile applications and portable web applications.


  • Dependable article recognizable proof, in any event, for web components with dynamic IDs.
  • Shareable article vault and reusable code modules for proficient test creation and diminished upkeep.
  • Test on genuine gadgets without jailbreaking.
  • Run cross-gadget tests equal or use Appium WebDriver for versatile web tests.
  • Adjustable test report with a video detailing test execution – see what occurred in a trial without having to re-run the test!
  • It consistently incorporates different tools like TestRail, Jenkin, Travis CI, Jira, and others.

8. Selendroid (Selenium for Android)

Selendroid is likewise an open-source structure, all the while cooperating with various gadgets and emulators. It is driven by the UI of local as well as hybrid applications and, furthermore, portable web subsequently, the test ought to be composed through Selenium 2 client API. The test code of Selendroid depends on Selenium 2 and WebDriver API.

Features of Selendroid:

  • Selendroid is one of the most mind-blowing versatile robotization instruments that are completely viable with JSON wire convention.
  • No adjustment of an application under test is expected to mechanize it.
  • Same idea for mechanizing local or half-and-half applications.
  • By various finder types, UI components can be found.
  • It can connect with numerous Android gadgets simultaneously.
  • Selendroid upholds hot stopping of equipment gadgets.
  • By various finder types, UI components can be found.
  • Selendroid accompanies a helpful instrument known as Selenium Inspector. Selendroid versatile testing instrument permits you to investigate the present status of your application’s UI.
  • Upheld Platforms are Mac, Linux, and Windows.

9. Eggplant

Eggplant is a Commercial GUI Automation Testing item planned and created by TestPlant utilized for Android and iOS application testing and is named as eggOn. It permits you to lead start-to-finish testing of portable applications and sites.

It is helpful for UI Automation and useful, Image-Based Testing, Mobile Testing, Network Testing, Web Testing, and Cross-Browser Testing.
One content for all gadgets and stages, Full gadget code are a few extra elements of this device, and furthermore, there is no requirement for any single change in the application code to test the application under test.


  • Effectively lead useful and execution trials of your portable application or site.
  • Test everything from the UI to the API layer to the data set.
  • Naturally, chasing after bugs that coordinated or manual testing might miss.
  • Utilize one bunch of testing models and resources for testing versatile applications across various gadgets, working frameworks, programs, and screen sizes.
  • Instrument your applications and sites to genuinely grasp client conduct and naturally focus on testing client ventures on the most utilized gadgets.
  • Eggplant flawlessly coordinates with your CI/CD pipeline.

10. testRigor – Write Complex Automation Tests with Plain English

With testRigor, manual QA will make truly steady and entirely dependable versatile computerized tests – for local and a half and half portable applications (for the two iOS and Android), as well as portable web and API. It assists you with straightforwardly communicating tests as executable determinations in plain English. Clients of all specialized capacities can construct start-to-finish trials of any intricacy covering versatile, web, and API steps in a single test. Test steps are communicated on the end-client level as opposed to depending on subtleties of execution like XPaths or CSS Selectors.


  • They are the main organization settling the “Test Maintenance Problem”.
  • Their “No Code” arrangement really requires no coding information, item execution points of interest, xPath, CSS, or other specialized subtleties.
  • Manual analyzers mechanize tests up to 15x quicker contrasted with Appium.
  • Support takes 99.5% less time by and large. 
  • Clients regularly accomplish up to 90% computerization inclusion in under a year.
  • Upholds actual gadgets, as well as emulators/test systems. Has a mix with BrowserStack.
  • Has different complex highlights, for example, Audio testing and SMS/text approval.
  • Free perpetually open form.
  • Experiments are in English.
  • Limitless clients and Unlimited tests.
  • The least demanding method for learning computerization.
  • Recorder for web steps.
  • Reconciliation with CI/CD and Test case on the board.
  • Email and SMS texting.
  • Web + Mobile + API steps in a single test.

11. API Tester

API Tester is a mobile app that offers the possibility to test any type of API to construct and send requests. It can be downloaded to your phone from the App Store, Google Play, and App Gallery, and there are also apps for iPad, MacBook, and Apple Watch. API Tester is a multifunctional advantageous app. 


  • REST, GraphQL, WebSocket, and SOAP API types can be tested;
  • option to manually build requests of any method like GET, POST, PUT, or even PATCH, OPTIONS, or HEAD.
  • import of collections from Postman, Swagger, or URL.
  • simple UI helps construct complex requests step-by-step with path variables, query params, authorization, body params, headers, and cookies.
  • feature for sending all requests at once for running your API checklist; test results are conveniently presented on the main screen.
  • global variables, performant code editor, and docs tab for GraphQL.

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