Kotlin for Android Tutorial Last Updated : 13 Jun, 2023 Improve Improve Like Article Like Save Share Report This Kotlin for Android Tutorial can also be used as an ‘entry point’ for Android App Development. Kotlin is sponsored by Google, announced as one of the official languages for Android Development in 2017. Kotlin is multi-platform language, i.e. easily executable on a Java Virtual Machine. In this Kotlin for Android tutorial, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of Kotlin for Android development, covering topics such as TextView, ScrollView, ImageView, ListView, EditText, and more. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of Kotlin and be ready to start building Android applications using this powerful language. Topics: TextView ScrollView ImageView ListView Button EditText Layouts Bar Switcher Time and Date Picker Misc TextView TextView in Kotlin Dynamic TextView in Kotlin AutoCompleteTextView in Kotlin Dynamic AutoCompleteTextView in Kotlin CheckedTextView in Kotlin Dynamic CheckedTextView in Kotlin ScrollView HorizontalScrollView in Kotlin Dynamic ScrollView in Kotlin DynamicHorizontal ScrollView in Kotlin ImageView Dynamic ImageView in Kotlin ListView Android ListView in Kotlin Button Button in Kotlin ImageButton in Kotlin Dynamic ImageButton in Kotlin RadioButton in Kotlin Dynamic RadioButton in Kotlin EditText Android EditText in Kotlin Dynamic EditText in Kotlin Layouts Android UI Layouts Android TableLayout in Kotlin Android FrameLayout in Kotlin Android RelativeLayout in Kotlin Android LinearLayout in Kotlin Bar SeekBar in Kotlin Dynamic SeekBar in Kotlin Discrete SeekBar in Kotlin RatingBar in Kotlin Dynamic RatingBar in Kotlin ProgressBar in Kotlin Dynamic ProgressBar in Kotlin Switcher Switch in Kotlin Dynamic Switch in Kotlin TextSwitcher in Kotlin Dynamic TextSwitcher in Kotlin ImageSwitcher in Kotlin Dynamic ImageSwitcher in Kotlin Time and Date Picker TimePicker in Kotlin Dynamic TimePicker in Kotlin DatePicker in Kotlin Dynamic DatePicker in Kotlin Misc Spinner in Kotlin Dynamic Spinner in Kotlin TextClock in Kotlin Dynamic TextClock in Kotlin Chronometer in Kotlin Dynamic Chronometer in Kotlin Notifications in Kotlin Android Toast in Kotlin Dynamic RadioGroup in Kotlin Android Slide Up/Down in Kotlin Recent Articles on Android! Like Article Suggest improvement Previous Kotlin | apply vs with Next How to create project in Android Studio using Kotlin Share your thoughts in the comments Add Your Comment Please Login to comment...