Most Asked Problems in Data Structures and Algorithms | Beginner DSA Sheet Last Updated : 23 Nov, 2023 Improve Improve Like Article Like Save Share Report In this Beginner DSA Sheet for Data Structures and Algorithms, we have curated a selective list of problems for you to solve as a beginner for DSA. After learning the fundamentals of programming, choosing a programming language, and learning about Data Structure and Algorithms and their space-time complexity, it becomes necessary to practice the problem based on different data structures and algorithms. DSA Interview problems The problem on the sheet includes: Array: Question Practice Search an Element in an array Solve Find minimum and maximum element in an array Solve Wave Array Solve Transpose of Matrix Solve Rotate by 90 degrees Solve Next Greater Element Solve Maximum of all subarrays of size k Solve Missing number in array Solve Bitonic Point Solve Count Palindrome Sub-Strings of a String Solve String: Question Practice Anagram Solve Reverse words in a given string Solve Longest Common Prefix Solve Isomorphic Strings Solve Check if string is rotated by two places Solve Divisible by 7 Solve Integer to Roman Solve Stack: Question Practice Parenthesis Checker Solve Next Greater Element Solve Nearest Smaller Element Solve Reverse a String using Stack Solve Reverse an array using Stack Solve Delete Middle element from stackSolve Solve Reverse individual words Solve Queue: Question Practice Reverse First k Elements of Queue Solve Implement a Queue using an Array Solve Print all elements of a queue in a new line Solve Level with maximum number of nodes Solve Linked List: Question Practice Node at a given index in linked list Solve Merge two sorted linked lists Solve Delete a Node in Single Linked List Solve Insert in Sorted way in a Sorted DLL Solve Find n/k th node in Linked list Solve Nth node from end of linked list Solve Detect Loop in linked list Solve Delete middle of linked list Solve Matrix: Question Practice Rotate Matrix Elements Solve Find maximum element of each row in a matrix Solve Print matrix in snake pattern Solve Turn an image by 90-degree Solve Sorting: Question Practice Find the sum of all values lesser than the element of the Array Solve Merge Two Sorted Arrays Solve Sort an Array of Strings in Lexicographical order Solve Finding Kth largest number in given array of large numbers Solve Sort a string without altering the position of vowels Solve Insertion Sort Solve Heap Sort Solve Greedy: Question Practice Police and Thieves Solve Minimum Number of Platforms Required for a Railway/Bus Station Solve Connect n ropes with minimum cost Solve Huffman Encoding Solve Fractional Knapsack Solve Recursion: Question Practice Print 1 to n without using loops Solve Mean of Array using Recursion Solve Print reverse of a string using recursion Solve Sum of digit of a number using recursion Solve Program for factorial of a number Solve Tower Of Hanoi Solve Print first n Fibonacci Numbers Solve Dynamic Programming: Question Practice Maximum Product Cutting Solve Minimum number of deletions and insertions to transform one string into another Solve 0-1 Knapsack Problem Solve Subset Sum Problem Solve Longest Increasing Subsequence Solve Longest Common Subsequence Solve Longest Common Substring Solve Coin Change Solve Edit Distance Solve Nth catalan number Solve Longest Path In Matrix Solve Tree: Question Practice Inorder Traversal Solve Postorder Traversal Solve Preorder Traversal Solve Insert a node in a BST Solve Height of Binary Tree Solve Check for BST Solve Kth Largest Element in a BST Solve Graph: Question Practice DFS of Graph Solve BFS of graph Solve Topological sort Solve Number of Provinces Solve Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm Solve Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju’s Algo) Solve Distance from the Source (Bellman-Ford Algorithm) Solve Like Article Suggest improvement Previous Top 50 Array Coding Problems for Interviews Next Top 10 Algorithms in Interview Questions Share your thoughts in the comments Add Your Comment Please Login to comment...