Digital Electronics and Logic Design Tutorials
Last Updated :
25 Jan, 2024
Recent Articles on Digital Electronics and Logic Design
Topics :
Number System and Representation :
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates :
Combinational Logic Circuits :
- Half-Adder
- Half-Subtractor
- Half-Adder and Half-Subtractor using NAND NOR Gates
- Full-Adder
- Full Subtractor
- Code Converters – BCD(8421) to/from Excess-3
- Code Converters – Binary to/from Gray Code
- Code Converters – BCD to 7 Segment Decoder
- Parallel Adder & Parallel Subtractor
- Carry Look-Ahead Adder
- Magnitude Comparator
- BCD Adder
- Encoders and Decoders
- Encoder
- Binary Decoder
- Combinational circuits using Decoder
- Multiplexers
- Static Hazards
Flip-Flops and Sequential Circuits :
- Latches
- One bit memory cell
- Flip-Flops(Types and Conversions)
- Master Slave JK Flip Flop
- Introduction of Sequential Circuits
- Synchronous Sequential Circuits
- Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
- Difference between combinational and sequential circuit
- RTL (Register Transfer Level) design vs Sequential logic design
- Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
- Counters
- Design counter for given sequence
- n-bit Johnson Counter
- Amortized analysis for increment in counter
- Ripple Counter
- Digital Logic | Ring Counter
- Shift Registers
- Design 101 sequence detector
- Universal Shift Register
- RTL (Register Transfer Level) design vs Sequential logic design
- Verilog Data Types
Memory and Programmable Logic :
- Block Coding
- Difference between Unipolar, Polar and Bipolar Line Coding
- Difference between Broadband and Baseband Transmission
- Transmission Impairment
- What is Scrambling?
- Analog to Analog Conversion (Modulation)
- Analog to digital conversion
- Digital to Analog Conversion
- Difference Between Digital And Analog System
- Last Minute Notes (LMNs)
- Quizzes on Digital Electronics and Logic Design
- Practice Problems on Digital Electronics and Logic Design !
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