Golang is a procedural and statically typed programming language with syntax similar to C programming language. Sometimes it is termed as Go Programming Language.Now, if you want to know more about Go Programming language, then keep reading this page. Here we have explain all the details of Golang.

It provides a rich standard library, garbage collection, and dynamic-typing capability. It was developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but launched in 2009 as an open-source programming language and mainly used in Google’s production systems. Golang is one of the most trending programming languages among developers.
Here in this section, we have listed all the basic thing about the Go Programming Language. Here we have discussed what is Golang, how to install Golang in Windows and Mac machine, along with that you can also find the first program example in Golang.
In the Fundamentals section you get to all the Fundamentals of Golang like Identifier, Keywords, Data Types, Variables and more.
Control Statements
Golang provides a robust set of control statements to manage the flow of your program’s execution. These statements allow you to conditionally execute code blocks, repeat operations using loops, and handle errors gracefully. So, explore this section to get all the details about Golang control statements.
Functions & Methods
Go provides powerful functions and methods for structuring and organizing your code. Here in this section you will explore the use of function and methods in Golang.
In Golang, structures, often shortened to structs, are a fundamental building block for organizing data. They act like blueprints, allowing you to group variables of different types under a single name. Explore this section to get hand on Golang structure.
Arrays & Slices
Think of data collections in Golang like toolboxes. Arrays are like those old metal ones – super sturdy, but only hold a set number of tools. Slices are like fancy new backpacks – they can fit as much stuff as you need, whenever you need it.
Unlike some other languages, Golang strings are immutable, meaning their content cannot be changed after creation. In this section we have discussed all about string and how to use it.
In Golang, pointers are a powerful mechanism that allows you to work directly with memory addresses. Unlike regular variables that store the data itself, pointers hold the memory location where the actual data resides.
Golang interfaces define a contract between a type and its behavior. They act like blueprints, specifying the methods a type must implement to be considered compatible.
Unlike traditional threads, Go utilizes lightweight processes called goroutines. These goroutines share the same memory space, enabling seamless communication and data exchange