CBSE Class 10 Science Notes 2023-2024 are developed by experts from the latest class 10 science textbooks. These Class 10 Quick Revision notes help students to score well in the upcoming CBSE Board exams. CBSE Science Notes for Class 10 is a crucial study material for students. CBSE Class 10 Science Notes comprise Biology, Chemistry, and Physics notes for all chapters. CBSE Class 10 Notes are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject and help them to develop a strong foundation in the basic principles of science.
NCERT Class 10 Science Notes provide in-depth explanations of important chapters like Chemical reactions, Acids Bases, and Salts, Magnetic effects of electric current, Reflection, and Refraction of light, and Food Chains and Food Webs, which carry maximum weightage in the Class 10 board exams.

Class10 Science notes
CBSE Class 10 Science Notes provide in-depth explanations of important chapters like Chemical reactions, Acids Bases, and Salts, Magnetic effects of electric current, Reflection, and Refraction of light, and Food Chains and Food Webs, which carry maximum weightage in the Class 10 board exams. These Revision Notes for Class 10 are designed with clear illustrations, solved questions, and sample questions from NCERT books, making it easier for students to understand and retain the concepts for a longer time. The simple style and format used in the notes will help students to gain a good grip and clear insight into the concepts, ensuring their success in the exams.
CBSE Notes for Class 10 Science – Chapter wise PDF (1 to 16)
CBSE Class 10 Science Notes are very important from the CBSE Exams point of view. Our guide covers all the required chapters for the CBSE Class 10 syllabus, with in-depth explanations and well-crafted examples in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Experience a more efficient learning process with our Class 10 CBSE Notes.
Note: The following Chapter has been Removed from NCERT Class 10 Science Textbook for sessions 2023-24
Topics Removed from NCERT Class 10 Science Textbook 2023-24
Chapter 5 – Periodic Classification of Elements |
Chapter 14 – Sources of Energy |
Chapter 16 – Sustainable Management of Natural Resources |
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations
With our Class 10 Notes for Science Chapter 1, you can simply learn topics like chemical reactions, types of chemical processes, chemical equations, symbols of elements and their valencies, balancing chemical reactions, types of chemical reactions, and other related concepts.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 2 Acids, Bases, and Salts
The classification of matter, ionizable and non-ionizable compounds, acids, bases, salts, physical tests to identify acids and bases, acid and base reactions, neutralization reactions, the difference between base and alkali, acid and base strength, and pH are all covered in the Acids, Bases, and Salts chapter. Read our Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 2 Notes and learn all of these concepts.
- Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Chemical Indicators – Definition, Types, Examples
- Difference between Mineral Acids and Organic Acids
- Strength of Acids
- Concentrated and Dilute Acids
- Properties of Acids – Definition, Examples, Properties, Uses
- What do All Acids Have in Common?
- Are all compounds that contain hydrogen, not an acid?
- Uses of Mineral Acids in Industry
- Difference between Alkalis and Bases
- What do All Bases Have in Common?
- Strong and Weak Bases
- What are Bases? – Definition, Examples, Types, Properties, and Uses
- How Strong Are Acids and Bases on the pH Scale?
- What is a Universal Indicator?
- Importance of pH in Everyday Life
- Explain the pH Change As the Cause Of Tooth Decay
- Importance of pH in Everyday Life
- What is meant by Family of Salts?
- What is Sodium Chloride? – Definition, Preparation, Properties, Uses
- Caustic Soda, Washing Soda, and Baking Soda – Preparation, Chemical Formula, Properties
- Bleaching Powder – Definition, Structure, Preparation, Properties
- Water of Crystallization
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals
This chapter discusses the different properties of metals and non-metals. It covers corrosion, corrosion prevention, alloys, physical properties of metals and non-metals, physical property exceptions, chemical properties of metals and non-metals, displacement reaction, and metal and non-metal extraction. You can read our Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 3 Notes by clicking on the links below and learn all of the Metals and Non-Metals concepts before the finals.
- Metals and Non-Metals – Definition, Properties, Uses, and Applications
- Exceptions in Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals
- Difference between Metals and Non-Metals
- Reactivity Series of Metals
- Uses of Metals and Non-Metals
- Noble Gases
- What are the causes of Chemical Bonding?
- Types of Chemical Bonds
- Ionic Bonds and Ionic Compounds
- Covalent Bonds – Definition, Types, Properties, Examples
- What are Covalent Compounds? Definition, Formation, Properties
- Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds
- Occurrence of Metals, Minerals, and Ores
- Extraction of Metals from Ores
- The concentration of Ore – Definition, Methods of Separation, Examples
- Conversion of Concentrated Ore into Metal
- Extraction of Highly Reactive Metals
- Extraction of Moderately and Less Reactive Metals
- What is the Refining of Metals?
- What is Corrosion?
- Corrosion of Metals
- Rusting of Iron – Explanation, Chemical Reaction, Prevention
- What is Gold? – Definition, Properties, Uses, and Applications
- Platinum – Definition, Occurrence, Properties, Applications
- Alloys – Definition, Composition, Properties, and Uses
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 4 Carbon and Its Compounds
One of the most important chapters in Class 10 Science is This Carbon and Its Compounds. Soaps and detergents, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, Lewis dot structure, single, double, and triple bonds, allotropes of carbon, diamond, graphite, chains, branches, and rings for saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons are among the primary subjects covered in this chapter. Homologous series, combustion reactions, oxidation, flame reactions, addition reactions, substitution processes, ethanol, and alcohol are among the other topics covered. All of the topics are covered in our Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 4.
- Carbon – Definition, Properties, Occurrence, Applications
- Why does Carbon Always Form Covalent Bonds?
- Why is Carbon considered Tetravalent?
- Allotropes of Carbon
- Diamond and Graphite – Structure, Uses, Properties, Applications
- What are Catenation and Tetravalency?
- What are Hydrocarbons?
- Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
- Alkyl Groups and Cyclic Hydrocarbons
- Functional Groups in Organic Compounds
- Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds
- Hydrogenation of Oils
- Ethanol – Definition, Properties, Uses, Harmful Effects
- Ethanoic Acid – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions
- Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents
- Difference Between Soaps and Detergents
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements
One of the most significant topics in Class 10 Science is the Periodic Table. This chapter explains the different elements present in nature as well as their qualities. Dobereiner’s triads, Newlands’ law of octaves, Mendeleev’s periodic table and law, and successes and limitations of Mendeleev’s periodic table are among the primary subjects covered in Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 5 notes. Using our Science revision notes, learn about the different groups in the modern periodic table, trends in the modern periodic table, and more.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 6 Life Processes
Life processes, nutrition, autotrophic nutrition, photosynthesis, stomata, saprophytic nutrition, parasitic nutrition, nutrition in amoeba, nutrition in humans, the human digestive system, digestive systems in other animals, respiration in humans, respiration in lower animals, respiration in plants, circulatory system in humans, transportation in plants, and excretion in humans and plants are all covered in this chapter. All of these concepts are clearly presented in our Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 6 Notes pdf, which includes labeled diagrams to assist you in quickly studying the chapter before exams.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 7 Control and Coordination
This chapter explains how the body regulates its movement and coordinates its actions with other body parts and the surroundings. The nervous system, reflex actions, plant hormones and movements, growth-related movement in plants, geotropism, phototropism, hydrotropism, chemotropism, the endocrine system, and the endocrine glands are all covered in the below-mentioned links for Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 7.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce?
Asexual reproduction – fission, budding, regeneration, fragmentation, spore formation, and vegetative propagation are all covered in this chapter. It also covers topics such as sexual reproduction – cell division, male and female reproductive systems, menstrual cycles, and the theory of plant reproduction. With our Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 8, you can master all of these concepts in lesser time.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution
Genes, heredity, Mendel’s work, dominant traits, recessive traits, monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, inheritance, Mendel’s laws, sex determination, acquired and inherited traits, speciation, gene flow, and more are covered in this chapter. This chapter discusses the evolution of fossils, which is an important topic. With our Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 9, you can learn all of these concepts in a few minutes.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 10: Light: Reflection and Refraction
Light refraction and reflection are two key Physics principles. The nature of light, laws of reflection, light reflection by different media, laws of reflection, propagation of light, Fermat’s theorem, plane mirror, generation of the image by a plane mirror, and reversibility of light are the primary subjects of this chapter. Mirror formula and magnification are also covered, as well as light refraction, laws of refraction, refractive index, total internal reflection, spherical lenses, Lens formula, magnification, and power.Â
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 11: Human Eye and Colourful World
The structure of the human eye and defects of the human eye such as myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, and cataract are covered in the Quick revision notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 11. Use GeeksforGeeks’ free Science revision notes to quickly review this chapter and prepare for your exam.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 12: Electricity
This chapter will teach you about conductors and insulators, electric potential and potential differences, electric current models such as the Electron Sea Model, battery operation, and more. The electric circuit, resistance and Ohm’s law, resistance, resistance factors, resistivity, superconductors, terminal voltage, electric power, and thermal effects of electric current are among the other topics covered.Â
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Field and field lines, North and South poles, a bar magnet, magnetic field, iron filings test around a bar magnet, magnetic field lines, magnetic field lines for a closed-loop, magnetic field due to a current-carrying conductor, electromagnet, magnetic field due to a straight current-carrying conductor, right-hand thumb rule, force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, and more are covered in this chapter. All of the concepts in this chapter are covered in our Class 10 quick revision notes, making it easy for you to study.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 14: Sources of Energy
Energy conservation, fossil fuels, thermal energy, the disadvantages of burning fossil fuels, thermal power plants, hydropower plants, turbines, dams, wind energy, solar energy, energy from the sea, tidal energy, wave energy, geothermal energy, ocean thermal energy, nuclear energy, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion are all covered in this chapter. With GeeksforGeeks Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 14, you may quickly revise all of the concepts covered in this chapter.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 15: Our Environment
This chapter covers subjects such as plant and animal nutrition, saprophytes and decomposers, abiotic and biotic components, ecosystems, trophic levels, energy conservation, energy flow, food chain, food web, air pollution, ozone layer depletion, garbage management, and biodegradation. Use our Class 10 Science Chapter 15 notes to revise all of the lessons covered in this Class 10 Notes chapter within just a few minutes.
Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 16: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
In this chapter, you’ll learn why we need to manage our resources, the 3 R’s concept (Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse), the increase in dependence on natural resources, forests and wildlife, forest partners, monoculture, people’s interference in forests, sustainable development, irrigation, dams, coal and petroleum, groundwater, and why we should use fossil fuels minimally.
- Why do we need to manage our resources?
- Forests and Wildlife
- Management of Forest
- Water for all
- Dams
- Water Harvesting
- Coal and Petroleum
- Overview of Natural Resource Management
Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes
What is the benefit of practising Class 10th Science Sample Question Papers?
Practising CBSE Class 10th Science Sample Question Papers has numerous benefits. It helps to familiarize with the exam format, question types, and the pattern of evaluation. It enables you to identify the weak areas and work on them to improve your score.Â
How to score good marks in 10th science?
To score well in CBSE Class 10th science, focus on these key points:
- Regular practice of previous years’ papers and sample papers.
- Revising syllabus as per CBSE’s updated weightage of chapters.
- Emphasizing application-based questions.
- Thorough understanding of NCERT textbook and solutions.
By following these steps, you can enhance your understanding of the subject and improve your performance in the examination.
How to manage time to study Science in Class 10th?
In order to make 100% utilization of your time for studying Science in Class 10th, follow these tips:
- Make a study schedule and stick to it.
- Prioritize subjects and allocate more time to the ones you struggle with.
- Take breaks and avoid overloading yourself.
- Utilize spare time, such as during commutes or while waiting, to revise concepts.
- Stay organized and keep your study materials easily accessible.
By implementing these strategies, you can study effectively and achieve success in your CBSE Class 10th Science examination.
What is the use of solving Class 10 Science Sample QPs?
Students should evaluate themselves after solving the Sample QPs, and understand their strengths and weaknesses. Improve their weak points by practising more of such questions.
Are there Science Sample QPs available for SA1 and SA2 separately?
Yes, CBSE Class 10 Sample QPs (separate SA1 and SA2) with marking scheme (solutions).
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