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Indian Economic Development

Last Updated : 08 Jun, 2023
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Indian Economic Development as a subject is to familiarise students with the basic feature of the Indian Economy and its process of development. It is important to first look at the state of India’s economy prior to the country’s independence and form an idea of the various consideration that shaped India’s post-independence development strategy.

Indian Economic Development


Indian Economic Development

Chapter 1: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence

  1. Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
  2. Agriculture Sector on the Eve of Independence
  3. Industrial Sector on the Eve of Independence
  4. Foreign Trade and Demographic Condition on the Eve of Independence
  5. Occupational Structure and Infrastructure on the Eve of Independence
  6. Policies of British Rulers that led to Exploitation of Indian Economy 
  7. Impact of Partition on the Indian Economy 

Chapter 2: Indian Economy (1950-1990)

  1. Indian Economy (1950-1990): Economic System adopted by Independent India
  2. Economic Planning during 1950-1990
  3. India’s Five Year Plan 
  4. Evaluation (Achievements and Failures) of Economic Planning till 1991 
  5. Agriculture during 1950-1990 
  6. Policies or Measures to Solve Agricultural Problems during 1950-1990
  7. Green Revolution: Impacts, Achievements and Shortcomings
  8. Debate Over Subsidies to Agriculture
  9. Industries during 1950-1990
  10. Industrial Policy Revolution, 1956
  11. Foreign Trade during 1950-1990|Trade Policy: Import Substitution
  12. P.C. Mahalanobis and His Contribution

Chapter 3: Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation: An Appraisal

  1. Economic Reforms: Need and Criticism of Economic Reforms
  2. New Economic Policy 1991: Objectives and Components
  3. Liberalisation: Meaning, Economic Reforms Adopted by Indian Government and Objectives
  4. Privatisation: Meaning, Disinvestment, Rationale and Obstacles to Privatisation in India
  5. What is Globalisation? Explain advantages, disadvantages and types of Globalisation.
  6. World Trade Organisation (WTO): Features, Functions and Objectives
  7. Impact of Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation
  8. Concept and Features of Demonetization
  9. Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Chapter 4: Poverty

  1. Poverty: Meaning, Characteristics, and Measures
  2. Difference between Relative Poverty and Absolute Poverty
  3. Poverty Line: Meaning, Determination, Types and Criticism
  4. Trends and Dimensions of Poverty in India
  5. Impact and Causes of Poverty
  6. What are the Government Approach to remove Poverty?
  7. Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India
  8. Measures to Remove Poverty
  9. Special Anti-Poverty Programmes adopted by Government and its Shortfalls

Chapter 5: Human Capital Formation in India 

  1. Human Capital Formation: Meaning, Sources, Role and Importance
  2. Difference between Physical Capital and Human Capital
  3. Sources of Human Capital Formation
  4. Problems of Human Capital Formation
  5. Role of Human Capital on Economic Growth
  6. Difference between Human Capital and Human Development
  7. Human Capital Formation in India: Growth of the Education Sector in India

Chapter 6: Rural Development

  1. Rural Development: Meaning, Significance, Process and Evaluation
  2. Rural Credit: Meaning, Purpose, Need, Sources and Critical Appraisal
  3. Sources of Rural Credit
  4. Agricultural Marketing: Meaning, Measures, Defects and Alternate Marketing Channels
  5. Agricultural Diversification: Needs, Benefits and Types
  6. Shift of Workforce from Agriculture to Other Activities
  7. Organic Farming: Meaning, Benefits, Challenges and Future Prospects of Organic Farming

Chapter 7: Employment: Growth, Informalisation and Other Issues

  1. Employment: Meaning, Importance, Basic Terms of Employment and Participation of people in Employment
  2. Forms of Employment: Self and Wage Employment
  3. Distribution of Employment
  4. Growth and Changing Structure of Employment
  5. Informalisation of Indian Workforce
  6. Difference between Formal Sector and Informal Sector
  7. Unemployment: Meaning, Types, Causes, Effects and Remedial Measures
  8. Unemployment and its Types

Chapter 8: Infrastructure

  1. Infrastructure: Meaning, Characteristics, Importance and Types
  2. Energy Infrastructure 
  3. Difference between Commercial and Non-commercial Sources of Energy
  4. Conventional vs Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
  5. Health Infrastructure in India
  6. Power Infrastructure: Sources, Challenges and Measures to meet Power Crisis
  7. Difference between Economic Infrastructure and Social Infrastructure

Chapter 9: Environment and Sustainable Development

  1. Environment: Meaning, Functions, and Reasons for Environmental Crisis
  2. Environmental Degradation in India
  3. Causes and Impact of Environmental Degradation
  4. What are the measures to control Environmental Degradation ?
  5. Sustainable Development: Meaning, Objectives and Strategies

Chapter 10: Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours

  1. Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours: Introduction  
  2. Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours: Demographic Indicators  

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