Python Database Tutorial
Last Updated :
15 Mar, 2023
Python being a high-level language provides support for various databases. We can connect and run queries for a particular database using Python and without writing raw queries in the terminal or shell of that particular database, we just need to have that database installed in our system.

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to Python with the most commonly used relational databases such as MySQL, SQLite, NoSQL databases like MongoDB and we will also discuss how to deal with JSON using Python with the help of good examples.
Python MySQL
Python MySQL Connector is a Python driver that helps to integrate Python and MySQL. This Python MySQL library allows the conversion between Python and MySQL data types. MySQL Connector API is implemented using pure Python and does not require any third-party library.
Python MySQL Queries
Note: For more information, refer to our detailed Python MySQL Tutorial
Python SQLite
Python SQLite3 module is used to integrate the SQLite database with Python. It is a standardized Python DBI API 2.0 and provides a straightforward and simple-to-use interface for interacting with SQLite databases. There is no need to install this module separately as it comes along with Python after the 2.5x version.
Python SQLite Queries
Note: For more information, refer to our detailed Python SQLite3 Tutorial
Python JSON
JSON JavaScript Object Notation is a format for structuring data. It is mainly used for storing and transferring data between the browser and the server. Python too supports JSON with a built-in package called json. This package provides all the necessary tools for working with JSON Objects including parsing, serializing, deserializing, and many more.
Python JSON – Reading and Writing
Parsing JSON
Python JSON – Serializing and Deserializing
Python MongoDB
MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL database. It is a cross-platform, object-oriented database. Basically NoSQL means MongoDB does not store data in the table or relational format rather provide a different mechanism for storage and retrieval of data. This is called BSON which is similar to JSON. That’s why MongoDB offers high speed, high availability, and high scalability.
Python MongoDB Queries
Python MongoDB Indexing
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