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Find if an expression has duplicate parenthesis or not

Last Updated : 16 Feb, 2023
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Given a balanced expression, find if it contains duplicate parenthesis or not. A set of parenthesis are duplicate if the same subexpression is surrounded by multiple parenthesis. 


Below expressions have duplicate parenthesis - 
The subexpression "c+d" is surrounded by two
pairs of brackets.

The subexpression "a+(b)" is surrounded by two 
pairs of brackets.

The whole expression is surrounded by two 
pairs of brackets.

(b) and ((a+(b)) is surrounded by two
pairs of brackets but, it will not be counted as duplicate.

Below expressions don't have any duplicate parenthesis -
No subexpression is surrounded by duplicate

It may be assumed that the given expression is valid and there are not any white spaces present. 

The idea is to use stack. Iterate through the given expression and for each character in the expression, if the character is a open parenthesis ‘(‘ or any of the operators or operands, push it to the top of the stack. If the character is close parenthesis ‘)’, then pop characters from the stack till matching open parenthesis ‘(‘ is found and a counter is used, whose value is incremented for every character encountered till the opening parenthesis ‘(‘ is found. If the number of characters encountered between the opening and closing parenthesis pair, which is equal to the value of the counter, is less than 1, then a pair of duplicate parenthesis is found else there is no occurrence of redundant parenthesis pairs. For example, (((a+b))+c) has duplicate brackets around “a+b”. When the second “)” after a+b is encountered, the stack contains “((“. Since the top of stack is a opening bracket, it can be concluded that there are duplicate brackets.

Below is the implementation of above idea : 


// C++ program to find duplicate parenthesis in a
// balanced expression
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find duplicate parenthesis in a
// balanced expression
bool findDuplicateparenthesis(string str)
    // create a stack of characters
    stack<char> Stack;
    // Iterate through the given expression
    for (char ch : str)
        // if current character is close parenthesis ')'
        if (ch == ')')
            // pop character from the stack
            char top =;
            // stores the number of characters between a
            // closing and opening parenthesis
            // if this count is less than or equal to 1
            // then the brackets are redundant else not
            int elementsInside = 0;
            while (top != '(')
                top =;
            if(elementsInside < 1) {
                return 1;
        // push open parenthesis '(', operators and
        // operands to stack
    // No duplicates found
    return false;
// Driver code
int main()
    // input balanced expression
    string str = "(((a+(b))+(c+d)))";
    if (findDuplicateparenthesis(str))
        cout << "Duplicate Found ";
        cout << "No Duplicates Found ";
    return 0;


import java.util.Stack;
// Java program to find duplicate parenthesis in a
// balanced expression
public class GFG {
// Function to find duplicate parenthesis in a
// balanced expression
    static boolean findDuplicateparenthesis(String s) {
        // create a stack of characters
        Stack<Character> Stack = new Stack<>();
        // Iterate through the given expression
        char[] str = s.toCharArray();
        for (char ch : str) {
            // if current character is close parenthesis ')'
            if (ch == ')') {
                // pop character from the stack
                char top = Stack.peek();
                // stores the number of characters between a
                // closing and opening parenthesis
                // if this count is less than or equal to 1
                // then the brackets are redundant else not
                int elementsInside = 0;
                while (top != '(') {
                    top = Stack.peek();
                if (elementsInside < 1) {
                    return true;
            } // push open parenthesis '(', operators and
            // operands to stack
            else {
        // No duplicates found
        return false;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args) {
        // input balanced expression
        String str = "(((a+(b))+(c+d)))";
        if (findDuplicateparenthesis(str)) {
            System.out.println("Duplicate Found ");
        } else {
            System.out.println("No Duplicates Found ");


# Python3 program to find duplicate
# parenthesis in a balanced expression
# Function to find duplicate parenthesis
# in a balanced expression
def findDuplicateparenthesis(string):
    # create a stack of characters
    Stack = []
    # Iterate through the given expression
    for ch in string:
        # if current character is
        # close parenthesis ')'
        if ch == ')':
            # pop character from the stack
            top = Stack.pop()
            # stores the number of characters between
            # a closing and opening parenthesis
            # if this count is less than or equal to 1
            # then the brackets are redundant else not
            elementsInside = 0
            while top != '(':
                elementsInside += 1
                top = Stack.pop()
            if elementsInside < 1:
                return True
        # push open parenthesis '(', operators
        # and operands to stack
    # No duplicates found
    return False
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # input balanced expression
    string = "(((a+(b))+(c+d)))"
    if findDuplicateparenthesis(string) == True:
        print("Duplicate Found")
        print("No Duplicates Found")
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# program to find duplicate parenthesis
// in a balanced expression
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// Function to find duplicate parenthesis 
// in a balanced expression
static Boolean findDuplicateparenthesis(String s)
    // create a stack of characters
    Stack<char> Stack = new Stack<char>();
    // Iterate through the given expression
    char[] str = s.ToCharArray();
    foreach (char ch in str)
        // if current character is
        // close parenthesis ')'
        if (ch == ')')
            // pop character from the stack
            char top = Stack.Peek();
            // stores the number of characters between
            // a closing and opening parenthesis
            // if this count is less than or equal to 1
            // then the brackets are redundant else not
            int elementsInside = 0;
            while (top != '(')
                top = Stack.Peek();
            if (elementsInside < 1)
                return true;
        // push open parenthesis '(',
        // operators and operands to stack
    // No duplicates found
    return false;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // input balanced expression
    String str = "(((a+(b))+(c+d)))";
    if (findDuplicateparenthesis(str))
        Console.WriteLine("Duplicate Found ");
        Console.WriteLine("No Duplicates Found ");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Javascript program to find duplicate
// parenthesis in a balanced expression
// Function to find duplicate parenthesis
// in a balanced expression
function findDuplicateparenthesis(s)
    // Create a stack of characters
    let Stack = [];
    // Iterate through the given expression
    let str = s.split("");
    for(let ch = 0; ch < str.length;ch++)
        // If current character is close
        // parenthesis ')'
        if (str[ch] == ')')
            // pop character from the stack
            let top = Stack.pop();
            // Stores the number of characters between a
            // closing and opening parenthesis
            // if this count is less than or equal to 1
            // then the brackets are redundant else not
            let elementsInside = 0;
            while (top != '(')
                top = Stack.pop();
            if (elementsInside < 1)
                return true;
        // push open parenthesis '(', operators
        // and operands to stack
    // No duplicates found
    return false;
// Driver code
let str = "(((a+(b))+(c+d)))";
// Input balanced expression
if (findDuplicateparenthesis(str))
    document.write("Duplicate Found ");
    document.write("No Duplicates Found ");
// This code is contributed by rag2127


Duplicate Found

Time complexity of above solution is O(n). 

Auxiliary space used by the program is O(n).


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